Book covers

Cover concepts and designs:  Away with Words Ruth Wajnryb – HarperCollins Dating Aphrodite Luke Slattery – HarperCollins Paul Willis and Abbie Thomas Digging up deep time Australian Story: Stories of Courage, Determination and Love Graham Bauer – HarperCollins This cover was based on ...

Judy Dunn books

Covers, internal design for a series of books by local artist and cartoonist Judy Dunn. “Pulling together her love of line, words and ideas, in a single (probably deluded) moment, she created an art form that was 
not literature, nor ...

Cycling guide books

Covers, internal design, maps (Cycling around Sydney) and directional graphics. The ultimate back street guide and feel good rides around Sydney, by the irrepressible Bruce Ashley. Buy your copies here!

A Continuing Tradition

Covers, internal design and photographic retouching for this historic 544 page book, which celebrates the lives and times of the oldest continuing interstate cricket match in Australia. The Sydney Grammar School v Melbourne Grammar School matches started in 1876.

Bicycle NSW

Branding, comms design and illustration for events and promotional material. Redesign of the Sydney Spring Cycle and complete comms kit, including a TV promo. Also re-branding of the long running Big Ride – annual tour through rural NSW. Redesign of ...

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