White Gum Wool
Brand identity, website interface, packaging and point of sale for this game changing ethical superfine merino wool farm in Tasmania.
Both Betsy and I have visited Nan and the farm, which was a great experience – now we’ve just got to learn how to knit!
Here’s what Pip Courtney from ABC Landline had to say:
“Every now and then an outsider comes along and questions the accepted way of doing things.
Marine physicist, Nan Bray, is doing just that on her superfine wool property in Tasmania. The way she runs her 1,600 Saxon Merinos may seem radical but she says it works, as wool production and quality is up and her costs are down. The ‘Nan Bray way’ combines old fashioned shepherding skills, ground-breaking research from the US and the knowledge and wisdom of an 87-year-old wool industry legend.