Commonwealth Games Radio Promo: ABCTV
Concept, animation and art direction for an ABCTV promo campaign for the Commonwealth Games broadcasts on ABC Radio. Editor was Tony Sealy on this campaign. It won a finalist award at New York Festivals.
Concept, animation and art direction for an ABCTV promo campaign for the Commonwealth Games broadcasts on ABC Radio. Editor was Tony Sealy on this campaign. It won a finalist award at New York Festivals.
Animated short film (10 mins) made in partnership with Iris Pictures as an education tool for Relationships Australia. Character design and animation by Alan Stowmann, storyboarding, backgrounds, props, brain sequences, compositing and brand guidelines by FrenchBaker. Sound by Patrick Brown ...
The slippery slope to Plagiarism. Animated campaign for web and mobile to create awareness around plagiarism produced for the Faculty of Business and Economics, Macquarie University. Production Company: Change Focus Media. Producer: Rod Freedman. Writer/director: Stephen Burstow. Art Direction, backgrounds, ...
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